Thursday, December 23, 2010

5 Months Left

Hello to everyone out there reading this!

It is strange writing down my thoughts, knowing that anyone can see them and that I will look back at this next and shake my head at whatever I write.  Please forgive my initial awkwardness :) 

I want to start off this blog with a great "Thank you" to everyone who has given me support in this crazy idea of biking across the country...more specifically the SOUTHERN part of the country!  I feel like I am melting in Michigan summers, I cannot wait to see what Southern Mississippi or Utah Deserts are going to do!  To Kristen, who inspires me-when you sat down on the couch and said you were biking across the county I thought you were joking.  Turns out you were serious.  Ha.  Ha.  When I realized this was actually happening and you allowed me to join your journey (in a creepy stalkerish way)  it made me realize that this journey is something that I want for myself for so many reasons.  Thank you.  To Summer, who pushes me-When I kind of slyly asked if you would be ok if I "tagged along" with you on your summer adventure, it was you resounding "WHAT!!! YES!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!" that finally pushed me to commit to B&B.  Now we have lots of long hours in the Gym and on the road ahead of us and I can't wait to share them with you.  To my Mom, who encouraged me- I was really nervous to call and tell you that, instead of a low paying summer job, I would be spending lots of money on biking equipment so that I could bike across the US this summer.  But you encouraged me and told me that it would be ok.  Thank you for supporting me, even when it would have been more sensible to tell me I should stick with my job.  And to everyone else- You who have already donated (wow!), encouraged me to ride my bike and helped me get involved with Habitat and other volunteer work,  Thank you for making my life so much better than it could ever have been without you. 

Now that the sappy stuff is out of the way, its time to get down to buisiness.  I am working on sending out donation letters (as soon as I get my brochures!).  They should be coming in the mail within the next week or two.  However if you are looking for a nice way to get a fabulous tax deduction before Jan 1st please consider helping me reach my fundraising goal ($4000). I have almost reached a quarter of my goal, but  I still need your help!  Every donation helps to raise money for affordable housing projects, no matter the amount.  You can donate by credit card at the Bike and Build website (  Click the "donation" tab and scroll down to find my name (Kelly Siegersma).  If you wish to donate by check please mail it to:

6109 Ridge Ave, Bldg 2
Philadelphia, PA 19128

I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I still can't believe I biked across the country last summer, and sincerely believe that it would not have been possible without your INCREDIBLE SUPPORT. THANK YOU for taking the journey with me. I can only hope to provide a portion of the encouragement and support you gave me.
    i'm also going to try and comment on as many blog posts as possible ;) but i wont yell at you when you stop blogging the last month of your trip.
