Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today started much like yestereday with a walk over to Sally's.  Awaiting us was a breakfast of quiche! Yum! It was such a treat after the cereal that I've become accustomed to on the road.  Once again we carpooled to the build site in Sally's vehicles and the van.  Some people were leaving just before lunch to put on a bike clinic for a local camp, so they took their bikes in the back of one of the trucks.  After putting up all of the garage walls yesterday, today we focused on weatherproofing them and putting a roof on.  However, first we had to fill in all the area's that needed more nails.  I've gotten pretty handy with a hammer and nail.  That's one skill that I can bring back to real life with me!  After we finished that, Richard and I worked on putting up weatherproofing on all the sides of the garage.  While we were working on the garage the guys decided that they wanted to learn to balance things on their chins, like our build supervisor in NOLA did.  Watching them try and wrangle broomsticks, chairs and even 6 ft ladders on their chins was hilarious.  Suffice to say, they didn't have a lot of success, but it was fun to watch them try.  We paused for a lunch of delicious subs, chips and water, then jumped right back in to work.  After lunch we worked to get the trusses up on the roof.  Once they were up, we were able to put the OSB boards on top.  It looks like a pretty legit garage now :) It needs some siding and some roofing, but it could keep a car pretty dry.  After we finished working we took a picture with everyone from Garland HFH and went home for a quick dinner.

We ate fast, then jumped in Sally's cars to go to a Rangers/Astros major league baseball game!  I was lucky enough to be in a car with Sally, Grant and Alyssa.  It was nice to have a chance to get to know Sally better on the drive over to the game.  We got a chance to use all of the glow sticks that people had sent me in mail drops which was a lot of fun.  When we got to the stadium we all got free bobble-heads for bobble-head night! Score!  I had a great time watching my first MLB game.  The amount of flags at the stadium was very impressive.  They must have had at least 30 Texas flags there (and one American).  Texas pride runs very strong.  I don't think I saw a single Louisiana flag when we rode through (and we went throught the capital city) but I've seen thousands here in Texas.  I've seen Texas swim trunks, Texas bike jersey's (which Coleman wore to the game) and Texas bumperstickers.  Instead of a singing "Take me out to the Ball game" we sang "Deep in the heart of Texas" for the seventh inning stretch.  Alyssa and I got ice cones from a vendor and they had a flavor machine so you could choose what flavors and how much of them you had.  We had a lot of fun with that.  From the balcony that the vendors were on you could see the Cowboy's stadium and Six Flags over Texas.  Also a small rainstorm that was headed our way.  It didn't rain too bad, just a drizzle.  As the game wound down, some of the group wanted to leave early so that they could go to sleep.  They only left about 2 batters from the end, so it didn't really help.  There was also a lot of confusion with people switching vehicles and making sure that no one got left behind.  It was really nice to be in the truck with only 3 other people, because we were able to leave right after the game without waiting to find people (Dallas won 8-3).  Even with a stop for gas we made it back before some of the cars that had left the game "early."  I went back to the school and drifted right off to sleep to prepare for a long week of biking ahead.

1 comment:

  1. bike & build baseball is certainly fun. also i think you are pretty legit.

    currently at the library specifically to comment on your blog! i read them all last night on my ipod, but it's hard to write a properly long comment on their. so library it is. also here to order my charger to replace the one she-devil chewed. (ryan is gone at a friend's house, so i can't use his :(

    anywho, hope you have a lovely day! yay blogging! i shall start my AmeriCorps one shortly. probably.
