Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bridge over troubled waters

Baton Rouge to Opelousas 64.3 miles

We woke up at 5:30. The only thing that I shall not miss about this host is the stage lights. I have been sleeping on the stage, but every morning the lights are super bright! I'm not a fan. We packed everything up, then had another great breakfast provided by the church. I was running behind, so I was one of the last to leave the church. It ended up not mattering because there was a stopped train blocking our path about 3 miles in. We all ended up stopped together waiting. I enjoy all of the times when the whole team ends up in the same place around the same time. No matter what the situation is, 33 B&B'ers can make it fun. I blew some bubbles with my birthday bubble wand and dug my sunglasses out of my camelbak. When it was time to go again I ended up with Alyssa, Kelsey, and Eddie. We crossed the Mississippi river! About 5 miles into the route we went over a giant bridge and now we are officially west of the Mississippi! Ahhh! I got here on a bike! It is absolutely crazy if I really think about eveything that I've done this summer. Today my total odometer surpassed 1000 miles for the trip. I rode 100 of those miles in one day, most in 90*F+ heat, walked a mile in sand, and crossed countless bridges. All in 3 weeks and 3 days!  I can't even imagine what will transpire in the next 8 weeks!

Most of the team stopped for pictures with a giant rooster on the other side of the bridge. I had a funny time trying to climb on top of it :) We kept going until lunch (only one today) where I had a very tart plum and a strawberry ice cream in addition to my pb&j and salty snacks. Soon after we encountered the longest bridge yet. From the point where I started counting, it was 3.15 miles long. And I didn't even start counting for at least .5 miles. I entertained my self by singing "Bridge Over troubled waters" in my head. It finally ended, but hen we saw an even bigger bridge in the distance. Prepping for the bridge, Alyssa moved from the shoulder onto the road. She caught the edge of her tires on the lip between the two and took a spill. Luckily, there was no traffic nearby and she suffered only bruises and a small scratch. Kelsey and I were a little ahead so we stopped and walked back. As we walked a truck stopped and flagged me down. A guy got out and ran over with a fluorescent orange contraction vest. He told me that the last person in the group had to wear it because it was a dangerous bridge, then drove off. I put it on, even though this bridge actually wasn't too bad. It had a 3 ft shoulder and two lanes, which allows cars to pass us with out being too near. The end of the bridge is where things got scary. As we defended we all saw an ambulance and a solitary rider standing near. Another rider had fallen much the same as Alyssa, but whereas Alyssa had been going 16 when she fell, this person was coming off a bridge at 25 mph. The van had already come to take her to the hospital, but it was scary to see that sight. She is doing fine tonight, a little sore and scratched up, but generally fine. I tried to find my vest guy, but he was no where to he found, so I guess I have a sweet vest now! A little smelly, but really, I'm generally stinky myself, so no worries. We pushed on to Walmart, about 3 miles from the host, then set off for the First Baptist Church. Upon arrival we at snacks and slept on the floor. Showers were at the Louisiana family fitness center. We had about 2 hours to be very quite while services were held this evening. Most of the group took a nice long nap! We were fed delicious jambuhlaya and white beans. They even had pecan pralines and bananas foster for dessert! Mmmm! Keenan and I did our affordable housing presentation about Habitat and Rebuilding Together case studies. It went pretty well. I had a little ice cream from Galen and now I'm off to bed! And at a reasonable hour (for once!)

1 comment:

  1. the site of an ambulance and a team member is SO terrifying!! the whole b&b team is an impressive site when all together. a force that shan't be reckoned with. I did laundry today. and used a DRYER!! even though it was nice enough to hang my clothes outside, like i've been doing the past 5 months, i just HAD to use the dryer. i know. i'm killing the earth. but it was so nice!
