Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Swimming in the Gulf

Mobile to Biloxi 65.7 miles

Today was a much better day than the ride into Mobile. I started off with Jillian and Summer. The road out of Alabama was much smoother than the road in and had a lot less roadkill! There was no real sign so Will, who was driving the van for the day, chalked a sign on the pavement. We all gathered together and celebrated our second state line. A ways further down the road we had lunch in a cute little roadside stop. We decided to continue on to a place with real bathrooms and set out quickly. Coleman joined us and we rode to second lunch which was a gas station. I was a little scared that I had missed it because it was a little further than I expected, bit we found it in the end. And it was worth the wait...Snowballs!!! One of my favorite southern things, they are shaved ice and flavoring. I went with the Hurricane flavor and it was amazing even though it turned my mouth red.  We made it to the church by 2 pm where we ran straight to the ocean. First Presbyterian Church was right on the ocean! We crossed the street and enjoyed the warm salty Gulf waters. Ahhh! It was so nice to finally get to go for a good swim. After unpacking the trailer Summer and I set out to find the showers. We were told they were a block or so that-a-way. So we went a mile or so before realizing we were lost...after walking all the way back to the church we realized that it was really just a block away! Oh well, it's an adventure, right? We had a great chicken and BBQ dinner, then settled in to watch Alyssa and Richard's presentation on ReBuilding Together.  We also got mail today! Thanks to everyone for the wonderful letters and packages, but a special thanks to Kristen and her creative package! At least 50% of my team is sporting fluffy animal fake tattoos, thanks to her! I had a great nights sleep!

1 comment:

  1. I remember Will telling me about this site, it's great location next to the beach and town. and you're welcome! Glad your team is enjoying the tattoos :)
