Friday, May 6, 2011


Today is my last full day as a student at CMU.  In 26 hours I will be sitting in a row of chairs on the basketball court waiting to hear my name.  If you count preschool, I have been working towards this day for 18 years.  18 YEARS.  Ahhh!  I'm packing up all of my stuff, preparing to leave Mount Pleasant.  The weirdest thing is realizing that I won't be coming back in the fall. Every year I leave in May, but I always come back 3 months later.  This time, that isn't going to happen!  I'm saying my goodbyes to places and people.  This morning was my last Friday at the Habitat ReStore.  Over the last 2 years I've grown to love that place and all of its eccentricities.  Every time I enter the store it has completely reinvented itself.  One week we are overflowing with couches and the next we only have 2 dinning room tables to fill the entire front of the store...I will really miss that place and all of the wonderful people that I volunteer with there.   I also had to say goodbye to two of my advisors for Alpha Phi Omega.  I think that was when it really sunk in that I am leaving in less than a week.  I've been a part of APO for 3 long years.  Every year people graduate and new people take their place.  But Pam and Ford have always been there.  They are wonderful, caring people and I am going to miss them very much. 

On the plus side, I saw deer!  Summer and Maeghan (my roommates) say that this makes me a city person, but so what if I am!  There aren't a whole lot of creatures running around in the industrial park that sits behind my house.  I was very excited to see them, and even more excited when the didn't run away as I got closer.  I can't wait to see all of the crazy creatures of the southwest.  My goal is to see an armadillo or an elk.  That would be cool.  Or a roadrunner or a coyote.  Hahaha.  A coyote chasing a roadrunner would be good, but only if the coyote had a pair of cardboard wings attached to his arms and was slingshoting himself into a canyon wall (I just discoved that Cartoon Network plays Looney Tunes in the afternoons).  But really, I'm going to geek out if I see anything.

Less than two weeks to go!


  1. Congrats Kelly! doesn't it feel weird?!?! being done and knowing you wont go back for more than a visit? soo close!!!
