Thursday, May 19, 2011

Its all true!

This shall be a short posting, as I am currently resting on my thermarest and lights out technically happened thirty two minutes ago. I planned on doing this blogging during our hour of free time before bed, but ended up painting the trailer until exactly 30 seconds before the lights went out. Luckily I had put everything I needed in a pile on my sleeping bag, so I was able to stumble around after and take my contacts out! Slowly but surely our trailer design is taking shape. I'll post some pics on fb when I have a chance. And I caught a tiny frog in the grass after I washed all of the paint brushes. It was adorable and super cute.
So you probably care more about what has happened over the last 48 hours than my groggy friends...basically lots of name games, ice breakers, and learning. We have had presentations on the B&B budget, donation magic(after wonderful post shower smoothies courtesy of Smothie King), ride safety, disease/health, and an awesome presenTation from Ralph of Beaches Habitat for Humanity, who we are partnering with tomorrow. Sunrise Communittee Church, our gracious hosts, donated a wonderful chicken/rib/meat bits dinner. I'm not quite sure what the meat bits were, but they looked chicken-ish and were delicious. Thank you to SCC!! Today we also played games like ninja and badger/woodchuck/some-blind-animal games. It was fantastic! I am a fabulous blind sock dodger, just in case you were wondering. We learned bike maintenance and cleaning techniques. I changed my tire from the stock brand to my gatorskins (it's a brand name... No alligators were harmed to make them...I hope!) I had a minor freak out when I thought that the tires were too big, but Prachi and Coleman helped me and we got everything figured out. We also did our "shakedown" ride. We went about ten miles to the beach. It was pretty but there were way too many stop signs. It was kinda like...pedal pedal slowing stopping pedal pedal slowing stopping. For about 3 miles...I was in the front for the ride so I got to be in the first shower group. We definitely had fun trying to find the country club that was letting us borrow their locker room. We went all over the place on tidy roads, not designed for a 15 passenger van (our van is named VAN-essa). The club was noce, but only had one women's shower (as opposed to the 5 men's showers). We finished in record time and had a very nice chat in the locker room with some of the ladies from the club. I'm sure they were surprised to enter the locker room and find us strewn about the place:) And I practiced setting up B&B tents after scrubbing a water stain Cinderella style. And my chore coup is the red jaguars and our first assignment is breakfast set-up/laundry/van cleaning.

That's all for now(since its an hour after lights out and I have a 6 am wakeup tomorrow. please deal free to ask me any questions in the comments section and I will try to answer them! I welcome comments!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it's living up to the high expectations I've set for you! and you STILL have no idea. yay for talking with locals!! perfect your b&b spiel, you'll be using it ALOT ;) (picturing "alot of bike & build" big furry thing on a bike yelling EAT SLEEP BIKE BUILD) Your current chore group is a creation from our brainstorming session in DC for your trip!!! Laundry and trailer used to be together, but that was WAY too much for one group. and breakfast group did nothing. and Aileen spent far too much time cleaning the van by herself. You have a perfect combo it seems.
    LOVE you!
