Sunday, May 29, 2011


Perry to Tallahassee, FL 52 miles

Our easiest day yet... Kind of. We got up early because we were staying at a school and needed to be off the premises by 7 am. I was given Jake the Duck by Jillian for being so helpful when she was having problems with her brakes before.  A 5:30 wake up call challenged us all. The short milage and build day that awaited us in Tally had us all excited. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the terrain and elevation of Florida, so I didn't know that Tally is one of the highest points in the entire state. Boo... Not a fan. I mean, the hills didn't kill me, but there were a few times where I was huffing and puffing in my "granny gear" rolling along at 6 miles/hr. I'm pretty sure I would have been faster on foot. And been a lot less out if breath at the top! Alyssa had a lot of problems with her gear shifting, so it was an especially hard day for her too. She did a great job working through a difficult situation.  We were struggling up some hills when we received one of the greatests texts ever; "free burritos at Chipotle." a restaurant about a mile before our host donated a free burrito to every rider. We got to pick our toppings and everything. I decided that it would he better if I took my burrito to the church, then ate. I was very happy with that decision after I saw how many hills were between Chipotle and the church! The church is located at one of the highest parts of the city and is huge. We stayed in their youth ministries section. We were able to have separate rooms for bikes and sleeping. We even had showers located right in the church! Yay fir simplicity! We exploded our stuff in the normal manner then settled in for a few hours of relaxation. Some people took advantage of the bike shops and got repairs and fits done. I stopped by the Giant shop and was able to get some chain lube. While we were there we met a future B&B'er from P2C11 and a mother of a CUS11 leader...small world, huh? Trinity United Methodist Church gave us a wonderful potluck with delicious gumbo. A B&Balumni, Jen Hunt, stopped by. She was actually part of the trip that my roommate, Kristen was on last year. We ended the night by exploring Tally and hanging out as a group. It was a wonderful ride and a great night!


  1. you didn't tell me you got the rider of the day award Jake the Duck!!!! i'm foreseeing you all waking up earlier and earlier as it gets hotter. i remember hearing about SUS waking up between 3am and 4am last year.....anything to beat the heat!
    and YAAAAYYY Jen Hunt!!! she is wonderful. i hope you all enjoyed your time with her :) now i am going to start some laundry, work on my Capstone, and drink more tea. love you much much

  2. Hi Girlfriend - Enjoyed your blog, thanks for the update. Keep up the good work and I have been thinking about you girls. Tell Summer and Kelsey hi for me.
