Saturday, May 28, 2011

Loggers: Boo

Lake City to Perry, FL 72 miles

Another 70 mile day, each a little more of a struggle than the one before. Summer left early in the morning, before I was awake. We started off the day wig a breakfast left for us by the first Presbyterian Church. We had fresh baked muffins and lots of new flavors of cereal. It seems a little sad that off brand captain crunch made so many people happy, including me. The day started off with many people in the van, including two of our leaders, from heat related problems from the day before. Corey, after dropping Summer off at a very early time in the morning, ended up riding his bike instead of driving the van. I biked with Jillian, Alyssa, Kristina, and Kelsey. Sonia joined us at first lunch, but went back to help out the sweeps later in the day. The ride was very good . Jillian figured out that her problems with clipping into her pedals were from her cleats being on backwards. Life was much easier after that! We also were fortunate enough to receive a donation from Wanda at a fruit stand on the side of the road. She let every B&B'er stop and gorge themselves on fresh watermelon and peaches. Mmmm. So good! We finished the day on a road that seemed to be only driven by logging trucks. It was completely flat, with no shade or curves. So boring! We stopped a lot to rehydrate and made it in by 4:30. Our home for the night was Taylor middle school. We all slept in the gym and enjoyed the numerous showers that they had, even I they were very cold! Today was also very exciting because it was our first mail drop. I would like to thank my parents, Kristen and my Grandma S for their mail. It was so nice to hear from all of you. We finished the day by watching people compete a Bike & Build obstical course including thermarest rolling and a crabwalk. It was pretty amusing and there are videos to prove it. The day ended with lots of wonderful sleep!

1 comment:

  1. yes! donation magic!! bummer about heat issues, hopefully all your bodies will adjust soon. you're welcome for the mail! i'm forgetting to do what you did last summer, and write an account of my life here as well! so. this morning i walked to church with Megan (after sleeping 4 hours...), then on the walk home i talked about our fosters and how that one time we had 15 animals in our apt at once! I just made spicy potatoes and eggs, and am catching up on the blogs before i do some work.
